You can register your copyright by following the below steps
S.No   Particulars
Step 1 Go to home page of copyright office website
Step 2 Go to e-filling of application
Step 3 Create your user id and password by clicking here
Step 4 Fill all the required details like Name, Address, Phone etc.
Step 5 After completion of form click Submit button
Step 6 After Successful registration log in by clicking here
Step 7 After login “Click for online Copyright registration”
Step 8 Please fill copyright registration form in following steps
Procedure: Complete the form XIV, then press save button and press step 2 to move to step 2. In step 2 fill-up the statement of particulars and then press save button and then press step 3/4 to move to next step. Fill-up the “Statement of further particulars”, this form is only applicable to literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and then press save button to save entered details. Press step-4 to move to step 4. Make the payment through internet payment gateway.
Step 9After successful submission, Diary number will be generated for reference.
Step 10Please take printout of ‘Acknowledgement slip and copyright registration
report ' and send it by post at copyright office as given below.
There is a mandatory waiting period of one month as per Copyright Act, 1957. Status of your application will appear as follows -Copyright Division, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, 4th Floor, Jeevan Deep Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi- 110001 Ph. +91-11-23362436 Email:
Step 11Check your status of your application form after filling your Diary Number as
generated in step-9. To check status click here.


Waiting      ➠Payment accepted, application in mandatory waiting period of one month
Scrutiny    ➠Application  is under process.
Discrepant➠Application is not in complete format a letter will be sent to
    you by registered post.
Re-Scrutiny➠Application is under process again with Reply sent by you.
Registered➠ROC is Generated will be sent to you by Registered Post.